Friday, April 22, 2011

Better. Better is Good.

I feel better now! Did I mention that I'm an accountant? And it was tax season? And I was S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D?!?! Don't get me wrong, I still am questioning a whole lot in my life, but I think I was looking for a big fix to solve alllllll of my problems, and it doesn't quite work like that.

I have thought a lot more on the topic of me being happy though and how to make that happen. I came across this book, "The Happiness Project," and it seems to be speaking directly to me. How can I change my life in small ways to be happier overall? My main gripes are pretty solvable if I don't try to attack it all at once.

So my first goal is to tackle what I've been struggling with since, um, forever? My body image. I do need to lose weight for many reasons, but I have also realized that I feel the most beautiful, the most okay with myself, when I'm working my body out. I struggle with changing into workout clothes instead of my lounging clothes. I struggle with lacing up my running shoes instead of sliding into my slippers. I REALLY struggle with untangling my headphone cord (seriously, how do they get so messed up?) instead of plopping down on the couch with a remote & a beer.

But once I get out there, once I'm moving, I'm loving it. Usually. Sometimes the treadmills are full or there's a weird guy lifting weights giving me the eye, but most of the time, I get that endorphin high they talk about, and I ask myself, "why has it been so long since you've done this?"

For the month of May, I will be working on my body image. I recently bought Jillian Michaels': Ripped in 30 and I plan on doing that 6 days a week, every day after work and then one weekend day. No excuses. Along with that workout, my mom and dad would like to lose a few pounds as well, so over our lunch hour, we'll be walking! We're even making it a bit interesting with the first person who loses their goal weight (10 pounds for Mom & I and 15 pounds for Dad) gets $100! Then $75 for the 2nd, and $50 for the 3rd. That way, no matter who wins, as long as we all reach our goal, we all get something!

Note: Is there anything like the high of starting a "diet"? Seriously, I must be addicted to it in some form, because I've started one almost every month for the last 5 years. I know, I know, it's a lifestyle change, not a diet.

I'm well aware that losing weight & being strong will help with my body image, but it's not the whole kit'n caboodle. To partner with working out, I'm going to be giving both myself and my husband a compliment each day for the month of May. Some days it will be about my body, other days it might be something about my personality. It needs to be true, and I need to believe it by the end of that day, or I will be whipped. Just kidding. But seriously, I need to treat myself as I would a best friend, and I also need to work on bolstering my husband's confidence.

I must get going. I have a busy weekend/week coming up, but I feel better. I really do. I think being able to throw my thoughts out there into the interwebz helps. Thank you, interwebz!

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