Thursday, May 3, 2012

Back with a Plan!

I can't believe it's been since January that I wrote my last post. I've still been reading other blogs, laughing and crying over posts, but I have remained silent. I had nothing good to say. I've been in a rut of feeling sorry for myself. I've been using food and alcohol to self-medicate and to be put simply, it's not working for me. Surprised? Of course not. I've been steadily gaining weight and the hangovers aren't worth it anymore.

I'm moving on, moving forward, and my goal is to write on here every week (at least) to work through some of these hurdles of mine that have kept me from being happy. I know that my miscarriages have a part in my unhappiness, but I've allowed my state of depression to consume my life. I don't recognize this Erin, so I'm following my own blog's advice: "Never Surrender".

My first action towards a happier Erin is to walk every day. I need the fresh air, the time to think and process, and most importantly, the exercise.

My second action towards a happier Erin is go through my home and purge. Get rid of old clothes, old furniture, old stuff that I don't need anymore.

My third action towards a happier Erin is to pick a DIY project from pintrest and just DO it already. Maybe I'm crafty? If I'm not, I can move onto other things, but by golly, I either need to start making or stop pinning =)

For my six followers who I may or may not show up on your blog list, thanks for not unfollowing me. I still read you, and though I may not be focusing too much on infertility these days, I appreciate the read. I have realized that I won't know if I truly want a baby or not until I work on me for a while.


  1. I think that all sounds like a fabulous idea. Your happiness is so important in the fight for a baby. You have to get back at least some of what you lost. I think you are taking positive first steps.
    Sending warm and healthy thoughts to you and I hope you can bring a little peace to your heart.

  2. YAY your back!!! Sounds like you have a great plan. Glad you are going to work on you, making you happy and taking care of you. Big Hugz! I'm happy you are back.
